Some things remain unchanged.


At times you feel so helpless and there’s nothing you can do about it, with everything going on, people dying, children being abused, poverty rising, literacy rate going low, you see the poor child with passion in her eyes. This does not happen out of someone’s desire, it’s the circumstances that makes a human kill his desire and console himself with the thought that ‘this too shall pass’. But, how depressing it is when you see children accepting their fate, as if happiness is not destined for them.

We all are so lost in our lives that we forget that there are people out there don’t even have a life, they work all day and night long, I have seen them getting frail, facing an obstacle every other day. Look at them in the eye, look how they want to rest as well. Their legs are tired and body hurts badly but it’s all the circumstances. Yes, it’s all the circumstances that make us do the things we don’t want to do but have too.

I know we cannot change everything overnight, neither can we change the mentality of people but at least try to help people around you. People who are suffering and you are aware of that, restore their faith in humanity. Let them know that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.

~Habiba Faisal

Insta: @habibablogs

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Your ending felt like a beautiful dawn, hopeful, a beautiful beginning through a solution often overlook and forget, thank you for sharing your words once again! It’s such an honour to be able to read them ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Habiba says:

      You seriously don’t know how much your comments mean to me, you’re the best!!! This made my day, ily. ❤️🌼

      Liked by 1 person

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